The last loggerhead sea turtle nest inventory of the 2018 season will be conducted on Monday, October 1st at 6:00 pm. The nest is located a short walk from the bath house located at parking lot A on North beach (just before the Lighthouse).
If severe weather conditions are expected on Hunting Island during the time of the inventory stated above, a cancellation notice will be sent out by 4 pm on the day of the inventory.
A nest inventory is conducted 72 hours after a nest has hatched, in order to determine the success of the nest. The nest is excavated and all contents are removed and documented. Occasionally live hatchlings are found in the nest and released, so this is a good opportunity to possibly see live loggerhead hatchlings, although there is no guarantee.
If you are a FOHI Sea Turtle Conservation Project Volunteer, please wear your orange volunteer shirt and badge, so that you can help with crowd management.
This inventory is open to the public, so feel free to post to social media or share; just remember that everyone is responsible for their own admission to the park. FOHI members and guests are covered by their membership