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Sea Turtle nesting season has officially begun!

Today marked the official start of sea turtle nesting season. Wednesday volunteers kicked it off this morning with training class, and beach patrol. We are excited for another season and we look forward to helping make an effort to protect these incredible creatures! Beach patrols for sea turtles are a crucial conservation effort. Many organizations and volunteers work together to monitor and protect sea turtle nesting sites, especially during breeding season.


Keep the beach clean! Dispose of trash properly. Avoid littering plastic and other items that can harm sea turtles.

Remove all your beach gear and fill in any holes.

Turn off lights at night : Bright lights disorient nesting sea turtles. Dim or turn off beachfront lights May-October.


sea you on the beach

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Thank you JoAnn!

You always do such an amazing job with your writing and PSAs/gentle reminders

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